Semantic Versioning
This project adheres to Semantic Versioning. We use a three-part version numbering system: MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH
. Here is what each part represents:
MAJOR version when we make incompatible API changes,
MINOR version when we add functionality in a backwards compatible manner, and
PATCH version when we make backwards compatible bug fixes.
Version tags are prefixed with a v
, e.g., v3.1.4
Release Process
To ensure a smooth and consistent release process, follow these steps:
Release branch: Create a new release branch from
with the semantic version number to be published:git checkout -b release/vX.X.X
Version and documentation: Set the correct version number in the version file (
, ...). Update any other necessary documentation.Pull request: Submit a pull request with the new version number and documentation changes. Include a release description to be used later in the release. Since we are generating the changelog automatically, keep it concise and mention the most important aspects.
Publish: Upon review and merging of the pull request, use the GitHub web interface to create a new release named
(e.g.,public-transit-service 0.2.1
). Set the version tag asvX.X.X
and automatically generate the changelog for the release. Add the release description from the PR comment and hit publish, which triggers the appropriate GitHub actions (e.g., Maven or Docker Publish).