Naviqore Help

Sequence Diagram

The following sequence diagrams illustrate the key interactions and processes within the Naviqore system.

Application Startup

This sequence diagram illustrates how the backend Spring application (REST API) initializes during the startup of the Naviqore system. Upon startup, the Public Transit Service loads the GTFS Static schedule either from a file or a URL. While running the service periodically updates the GTFS Static schedule from the given source.

AdminSpring Application (REST API)Public Transit ServiceGTFSRAPTORGTFS Staticloop[Periodic GTFS Static Reload]StartInitializeLoadFetchReturn dataSchedule in memoryInitializeRAPTOR data structure in memoryReadyUpdate GTFS StaticUpdateFetch new versionReturn updated dataNew schedule in memoryInitialize (and clear trip mask cache)New RAPTOR data structure in memoryUpdate completeStopShutdown completeAdminSpring Application (REST API)Public Transit ServiceGTFSRAPTORGTFS Static

Connection Request

This sequence diagram illustrates how the Naviqore system processes a connection request by a user. The system first validates whether the requested stops are valid and retrieves parent or child stops if any. If the stops are valid, the RAPTOR is used to query connections, and the connection results are enriched with information from the GTFS before being returned to the user.

UserWeb App UIREST APIPublic Transit ServiceGTFSRAPTORalt[Valid stops for connection query]Connection requestForward requestDelegate requestValidate stop idsStopsQuery connectionsConnection resultsPostprocessEnriched connectionsReturn responseForward responseDisplay resultsUserWeb App UIREST APIPublic Transit ServiceGTFSRAPTOR
Last modified: 25 September 2024